Graduation - Southwestern Theological Seminary December 04

4 Parents at Graduation.JPG
4 Parents at Graduation.JPG
544.92 KB
Ail and Family.JPG
Ail and Family.JPG
584.36 KB
Ali and Byron.JPG
Ali and Byron.JPG
583.69 KB
Ali Family.JPG
Ali Family.JPG
557.74 KB
Before Graduation.JPG
Before Graduation.JPG
583.58 KB
Best Friends.JPG
Best Friends.JPG
592.67 KB
Brother Chris.JPG
Brother Chris.JPG
574.01 KB
542.70 KB
DoD and Kelley.JPG
DoD and Kelley.JPG
579.19 KB
Family Walking.JPG
Family Walking.JPG
600.65 KB
554.61 KB
Graduate Noah.JPG
Graduate Noah.JPG
573.52 KB
539.18 KB
Granpap at Graduation.JPG
Granpap at Graduation.JPG
489.98 KB
Hats Off.JPG
Hats Off.JPG
581.46 KB
I used to remember what these did.JPG
I used to remember what these did.JPG
538.86 KB
Just Before Graduation.JPG
Just Before Graduation.JPG
567.26 KB
Kaka and Bobby - Graduation.JPG
Kaka and Bobby - Graduation.JPG
548.79 KB
Kelley and Boyfriend.JPG
Kelley and Boyfriend.JPG
555.34 KB
Kelley and Family.JPG
Kelley and Family.JPG
592.93 KB
Kelley and Friends.JPG
Kelley and Friends.JPG
566.16 KB
Kelley and Granparents.JPG
Kelley and Granparents.JPG
581.38 KB
Kelley and Mom.JPG
Kelley and Mom.JPG
602.74 KB
Kelley in Processional.JPG
Kelley in Processional.JPG
577.80 KB
Kelley Walking .JPG
Kelley Walking .JPG
580.27 KB
Kelley Walking Out.JPG
Kelley Walking Out.JPG
574.22 KB
Kelley with Grandparents.JPG
Kelley with Grandparents.JPG
561.83 KB
Kelley, Ali, and Melissa.JPG
Kelley, Ali, and Melissa.JPG
585.42 KB
524.84 KB
KiKi and Noah.JPG
KiKi and Noah.JPG
583.12 KB
Melissa and Kelley.JPG
Melissa and Kelley.JPG
564.29 KB
Melissa and Mom.JPG
Melissa and Mom.JPG
601.30 KB
Melissa, Ali, Kelley, and Bonnie.JPG
Melissa, Ali, Kelley, and Bonnie.JPG
507.17 KB
Melissa, Kelley and Bonny.JPG
Melissa, Kelley and Bonny.JPG
571.22 KB
541.10 KB
Moms and Daughters.JPG
Moms and Daughters.JPG
544.50 KB
583.34 KB
Nativity Scene at Southwestern.JPG
Nativity Scene at Southwestern.JPG
610.55 KB
Noah at Graduation.JPG
Noah at Graduation.JPG
570.44 KB
Patterson Giraffe.JPG
Patterson Giraffe.JPG
540.31 KB
575.26 KB
President at Graduation.JPG
President at Graduation.JPG
562.44 KB
557.54 KB
587.76 KB
Southwestern Loby.JPG
Southwestern Loby.JPG
579.61 KB
Southwestern Stairs.JPG
Southwestern Stairs.JPG
578.64 KB
602.72 KB
Take This Off Please.JPG
Take This Off Please.JPG
584.77 KB
Take This Off.JPG
Take This Off.JPG
569.49 KB
The Gang.JPG
The Gang.JPG
588.54 KB
The Graduates.JPG
The Graduates.JPG
496.37 KB
The Moms.JPG
The Moms.JPG
553.03 KB
The Rest of Ail Family.JPG
The Rest of Ail Family.JPG
582.25 KB
Touchton Siblings.JPG
Touchton Siblings.JPG
564.73 KB
Uncle Bobby At Graduation.JPG
Uncle Bobby At Graduation.JPG
497.52 KB
Waiting For Graduation.JPG
Waiting For Graduation.JPG
588.24 KB

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