The Devotional Diva - I’m Sorry But I Forgot You!
The Devotional Diva - I’m Sorry But I Forgot You! By Barbara Gobbs Executive Assistant and Ministry Partner - Pocket Full of Change Ministries
“But the very hairs of your head are numbered” Matthew 10:30 (NAS95)
Not too long ago, I left the place where I had lunched with a friend and called home. I told Bob I had to pick up something from the store but would be home shortly. Bob asked me to remember a gallon of milk while I was there. Like a dutiful wife, I promised to remember his milk and drove to the store. When I arrived home with only one small sack, Bob inquired if I had left the milk in the car. My eyes rolled and my face scrunched up as I sheepishly replied, “I forgot the milk!”
I don’t know about you but my mind isn’t what it used to be. It seems the harder I try to remember stuff, the more I tend to forget. I’d sign up for testing except everyone I know is going through the same mental adventure. A friend helped to remove some of my early senility fear by reminding me, not to worry over things such as, not being able to find my glasses. She said I should worry when I can’t remember I wear glasses!
Yesterday was an important day for me. I started by taking a walk. I came home and actually ate a bite of breakfast, something I normally skip. Then I had a lovely time in Bible reading and prayer. I was off to a good start. After my quiet time, I did a few minor chores, showered and dressed with full make-up. I proceeded to my home office to ready myself for an eleven AM conference call.
As usual, the call was productive and I was satisfied. I stopped briefly for a sandwich and then back to the office to prepare for a crucial meeting downtown. The chairperson of my committee was gone and it was up to me to prepare and present a report of some importance. Immediately following the meeting, Bob and I were zooming off for dinner with friends we’d not seen in several years. With all of that in mind, I thoroughly prepared for each moment of the day.
I left for my meeting feeling confident that I had covered all bases with my report and had all necessary materials. However, as I started the car, I had a small feeling that I had forgotten something. I had my report and even extra copies. So what was I forgetting? Oh well, it must not be important.
Half way up I-95, I remembered – rats! I forgot to print the checklist for the meeting. Okay, it wasn’t that critical. No worries.
When I arrived downtown, I entered the office and exchanged pleasantries with the women already gathered. After a few moments, someone mentioned a DVD kit. Oh no, that’s what I really forgot! I left Connie’s kit at home - along with a note reminding me to bring it! I apologized at least 50 times, feeling a little lame. Again, no worries, she was forgiving and there was ample time to correct the error.
An hour later, we neared the finish line of our meeting when my heart sank. It occurred to me; I forgot to send the Joyfully From Jacksonville devotional! I forgot you! Oh brother, even with all the other forgotten stuff, things worked out just fine. But how could I forget something that has been part of my life since 2003! How could I forget all of you! * Now - this is where you picture me with slumped shoulders and exhaling loudly – slight frown on my face.
Fortunately, the rest of the day came and went without anything else forgotten.
That brings us to today. Maybe there is a reason I forgot. If I remember anything at all from yesterday, it isn’t that I remember the stuff I forgot, as much as I remember how God didn’t forget me. Okay, not the best grammar but an accurate statement.
God answered all my prayers for yesterday. He didn’t forget me when I needed Him to show up. Anything I’d forgotten never became an issue. Earlier in my prayers time, I asked the Father for nothing but His mighty presence to go with me, I would be aware of His presence and I desired everything I said in that meeting to honor Him. He remembered me.
Perhaps today, you are feeling a bit forgotten because you’ve forgotten something that has caused you distress or maybe you’re feeling forgotten by others. Please know that God hasn’t forgotten you. He remembers you by name. He remembers your prayers, your desires and even the natural color of every strand of your hair! He remembers you.
And He remembers you with delight! Delight yourself in that thought today!
Remembering the One who always remembers me, Barbara
PS: For the record – the only thing God forgets is confessed sin, so take my advice and if God forgets it – so should you!
Barbara Gobbs is a ministry partner with and the Executive Assistant of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information, to schedule a speaker for an event, or to request a newsletter, go to or call Gail Golden, Publicist at 904 316-5462. This ministry is supported by donations. If this ministry helps you or others, and God calls you to help support this work, you can make a donation to Pocket Full of Change Ministry at POB 51205, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240.
© Pocket Full of Change Ministries