The Perfect Day
Evangelize Mardi Gras The Perfect Day By Cheryle M. Touchton The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady New Orleans, Louisiana 2/24/17 It was the perfect day. The schedule worked. The Tubbs and Touchtons were just tired enough to know we gave it our best but not so tired that we dread going out tomorrow. We met for morning worship and Bible Study at 9 AM and hit the Gospel road about 9:45. Doug Tubbs led the Bible Study and helped me think about the Biblical word "arise" in a way I'd never considered it before. We arrived back at the seminary at 8:30, had prayer and testimony time and trudged back to our rooms by 9:00 PM. 12 hours was perfect. Now, I'm writing this blog and trying to decide what miraculous story to focus on.
It was the perfect day. 23 people asked Jesus to be their personal Lord and Savior for the first time. They make a total of 25 since we arrived. We prayed with 2 prodigals. We got contact information for most we led to Jesus. We met many Christians. We coached a few Christians on giving the Gospel.
It was the perfect day. We went to the zoo. Can you believe how blessed I am? I got to do my work at a zoo. We evangelized in the morning at the New Orleans Zoo, laughed at the animals, and led several to Jesus.
It was the perfect day. We prayer-walked Bourbon Street and managed to avoid being hit by flying beads, knocked down by stumbling drunks, or getting alcohol dumped on our heads.
It was the perfect day. I spent a few minutes with someone I led to Christ in 2011 and was encouraged that he is still in church and doing well.
It was a perfect day. We split up in twos and also evangelized as a group of four throughout the French Quarter. We are counting the parking ticket we got as a "parking fee" and not letting it steal the joy of our perfect day. We know for tomorrow not to park closer than 20 feet from the corner.
It was a perfect day. We heard, "I really liked the way you did that." "I really needed this." "Thank you." "I love these beads." "This was so nice."
It was a perfect day. Perhaps my favorite encounter was the 4 of us working as a team to lead 6 young adults from Texas to Jesus. We didn't plan what to do. It just happened. We each had a role. I saw the group taking pictures and offered to take a picture of them together. We offered bracelets and the entire Gospel team went into action tying them on while I gave the Gospel. After they prayed with us, we broke up into smaller groups to get contact information and encourage them about their next steps. Their joy and gratefulness was the proverbial icing on the cake of the perfect day.
We're meeting tomorrow at 9 to do it again. Where else but out giving the Gospel could you go to a zoo, give the Gospel on the Mississippi River, hear amazing jazz music, laugh, make people smile, witness one miracle after another, be part of lives changing for an eternity, pray continually for people, speak the sweet words of the Gospel and watch them work, and work a 12 hour day without complaint? It was a perfect day. Thank you God.
========================================================== Cheryle M. Touchton, the Pocket Full of Quarters Lady, ministers, teaches, and evangelizes through Pocket Full of Change Ministries. She and her dog Shiloh, the Shepherd’s Sheltie, travel the country as evangelists and handing out quarters that represent the free grace of God. Cheryle also leads Gospel Conversation Classes and Gospel Conversation Teams anywhere people gather or party. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to
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