I Wish I Could Tell You  

Evangelize Mardi Gras
What I Wish I Could Tell You

By Cheryle M. Touchton
The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady
New Orleans, Louisiana

Another 12 hour day, 9 to 9. The rest of the Gospel Team is settling in for the night. I sit here basking in the joy of the day and wishing I could tell you every story of the 43 people who joyfully and/or tearfully prayed to receive Jesus today. That makes a total of 68 people so far on this trip.

I wish I could tell you the complete story of Caroline, the young woman with Cathy and Doug Tubbs, who broke down in tears after praying to meet Jesus.

I wish I could write every word of the story about the woman at the next table who said, "I just listened to everything you said and really like the way you presented that." A few minutes later, Lori, who'd eavesdropped her way into a Gospel Conversation, ended up tearfully meeting Jesus.

I wish I could give all the joyful details about the young man James who spontaneously hugged Cathy Tubbs partially the way through the Gospel Conversation because he instinctively knew something wonderful was happening to him.

I wish I could tell you the individual stories of how many times the Touchtons and the Tubbs worked seamlessly together to lead groups of people to Jesus. The four of us forming a circle and holding hands with people meeting Jesus for the first time was one the sweetest and most intimate things I've ever experienced.

If I could tell you about every detail of our miracles, I'd describe how many times people walked up to us or waved us over to talk to them. God literally drew people to us who were longing for good news. If I hadn't been a part of it happening, I'd have trouble believing the miracles I witnessed.

I could make the entire blog about the last three people who met Jesus tonight. Nick, Christine, an Melissa literally waved us over as we picked our way through the drunken crowds trying to get back to the car. The eagerness and joy of these three college students blessed us completely.

I wish I could tell you the complete story of the many times people said, "I love the way you did this." People love to hear the Gospel, the Good News.

I wish I could adequately describe the hearts of the people on the Mardi Gras Gospel Team. Their pure love of God and people blessed everyone they met. This group loved the stuffing out of everyone regardless of what they were wearing, smoking, or drinking. People got hugged regardless of how clean they were or how they smelled. There was no judgment, only love. They laughed, cried, cheered, preached the Gospel, and prayed with people. These strangers mattered to this Gospel Team and everyone they touched knew it.

Doug Tubbs faithfully kept the list of everyone we talked to. He said we gave the Gospel at least 55 times to people not yet saved and 43 met Jesus. I wish I could tell you what was happening right this minute in the hearts of the 12 people who said no. I do know this. They heard the word of God. It will not return void. It's still working even now as I write this.
I wish I could write well enough to describe the tender and interesting way Doug, Cathy, and Bob gave the Gospel. I wish I could write every word of Bob's morning devotional. I wish could paint a picture of Cathy's excitement about each encounter. I wish I'd recorded Doug's prayers and written them out for you.

I wish I could describe the fun we had in the middle of these holy encounters. We laughed as we dodged the waves that crashed over the seawalls of Lake Pontchartrain. We watched a parade and caught beads. There was so much more fun to describe if only I had the time.

I wish I could entertain you with the quips that passed between us that kept us laughing. For example, Cathy and I asked Bob to watch our purses and Bob answered, "I'll watch them but I won't guard them with my life."

I really wish I could write word for word the cute dialogue of Cathy and Doug teasing each other as they walked back to the car holding hands.

I wish I could paint a picture of the true blessing of sharing the Gospel together as couples, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ who love God and people but I'll have to settle for these words in a blog.

I sit here knowing blogs should be short. I've already broken that rule. I'll go to bed dreaming about all of the awesome things I left out of this blog.
Cheryle M. Touchton, the Pocket Full of Quarters Lady, ministers, teaches, and evangelizes through Pocket Full of Change Ministries. She and her dog Shiloh, the Shepherd’s Sheltie, travel the country as evangelists and handing out quarters that represent the free grace of God. Cheryle also leads Gospel Conversation Classes and Gospel Conversation Teams anywhere people gather or party. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to

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Copyright: Pocket Full of Change Ministries


Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to www.pocketfullofchange.org or call Cheryle Touchton at 904-614-3585.

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Copyright: Pocket Full of Change Ministries