Hitch a Ride On the Holy Spirit Cloud
Evangelize Mardi Gras 2017 Hitch a Ride On the Holy Spirit Cloud
By Cheryle M. Touchton The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady New Orleans, Louisiana 2/26/17
The Lord was going before them in a pillar of cloud by day to lead them on the way... Exodus 13:21-22
It happened all day. We felt like a pillar of cloud led us from one encounter to the next. It just happened. All we had to do was hitch a ride on that amazing Holy Spirit Cloud. 33 people hitched a ride on that same cloud and met Jesus with so little effort, it was astonishing.
Help Her! Offer to help!
But I don't want to. I haven't recovered from helping that drunk who threw up at Mardi Gras last year.
Four people met Jesus because of that drunk. Help her.
Seriously! I knew not to argue with the Holy Spirit but I really hate helping adult strangers who might throw up on me.
"Cheryle," Bob said. "He might need some help."
I sighed. God and the Holy Spirit had double teamed me. "I can help," I said to the poor man trying to manage his limp female companion. "The word of God will sober up a drunk."
"You can try," he said hesitantly.
I spoke the Gospel scriptures. Sure enough she lifted her head. It rolled to the side and popped up again. She opened her eyes.
While she was coming to, I asked the man about his faith.
"I don't mind hearing it," he said politely, "but it's not really something I do."
"I gotta pee!!!!!!" the woman screamed. I realized she'd unzipped her pants. Bob confessed later that he'd been watching them and knew full well what he was sending me into.
Seriously God. I don't want to help a drunk go to the bathroom anymore than I want to clean up their throw up.
The poor man looked completely hopeless when she screamed again and started trying to stand up.
"She can't go on there alone," I said nodding at the women's room. "You want me to help her?" His relief was palpable as he nodded.
Please don't let her pants fall down or let her wet her pants until we get there," I begged God.
Cathy Tubbs jumped up and grabbed Shanika's other arm. It took both of us to hold her up and get her to the bathroom. Thankfully, she managed inside the stall but I stood just outside watching through the crack in the door wondering what everyone thought.
Her fiancé waited just outside the door to rescue us. As we left, several women offered encouraging affirmations about how we helped.
"We do this in the name of Jesus," I said over my shoulder as I walked out.
"Thank you," The fiancé said as he took custody of the standing but still unsteady Shinika. "I can't believe you did that for her." I saw his tears.
"We did it because of the love of Jesus. We've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God so we can't judge her. Jesus calls us to help. He sent Jesus so all could be saved. You saw the power of Jesus in the scriptures a few minutes ago."
Shinika stood up straighter and said, "Yes! Thank you." The fiancé let go of Shinka and gathered me in a warm embrace.
We stood for a moment hugging, still in the doorway of the women's bathroom. I whispered in his ear, "Will you please let me lead you to Jesus?"
"Yes," He whispered back. He began repeating the prayer and I realized Shinika was stumbling her way through praying with us. Afterwards, Shinaka reached out and gave me a firm hug and said thank you again. They hitched a ride on the Holy Spirit Cloud.
An excited woman ran up to me. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen happen. Why did you do that????" Her husband walked up and she caught him up.
"I did it because of Jesus," I answered. I pulled out the bracelets and gave them the Gospel. Two years in a row! Four people hitched a ride on the Holy Spirit Cloud because of helping one drunk.
Give Them Bracelets Give them bracelets.
But there's seven people and they're eating.
The man on the end had talked to us several times. We were supposed to have a table in the front but for some reason, the restaurant moved us to the back in a tiny two tabled room. The condiments were on a rail near our table so the man kept asking us to pass them things like catsup and hot sauce.
The man continued to be friendly and eventually the conversation turned to why we were there.
Give them bracelets!
But the rest of the table is talking. They're enjoying being with family. I don't want to interrupt.
I was doing it again, arguing with the Holy Spirit. I used my stage voice so I could be heard over the loud music and talking and said, "Would you like one of our Mardi Gras love bead bracelets?" They stopped eating and listened. Seven people hitched a ride on the Holy Spirit Cloud and met Jesus.
Not Her But Him We're in the habit of giving our server the Gospel so naturally, I assumed that was what the Holy Spirit wanted us to do. I tried but she darted in and out and it was impossible.
Our server finally delivered deserts to the table just as the 7 new Christians thanked us one more time and left us alone in that tiny room. She darted out again before I could speak up. I thought about getting up and following her out.
Not her.
I stayed seated.
"Those look good," I said, knowing I wouldn't eat a bite of the bread pudding sitting on our table.
"They are good!" Cathy said. "This is the best bread pudding I've ever had."
"Thank you," a voice came from the other table. "It's my recipe."
I hadn't realized someone had come in to clean the table. Bob and Cathy both assured Ray it was wonderful.
I got it. I'd used logic to assume we should speak to our server. The Holy Spirit had another encounter planned for us. "It sounds like they love it," I said. "Let me give you one of our Mardi Gras Love Bead bracelets as a thank you. Ray hitched a ride on the Holy Spirit Cloud and met Jesus.
Cross the Street "Let's cross the street."
"Why?" asked Bob.
"I don't know. I just want to cross the street. Maybe my subconscious remembers that side has a smoother sidewalk."
We crossed the street and almost bumped in to a family of 5. Naturally we gave bracelets. One already knew she was going to heaven because Jesus was her Savior. The other 4 hitched a ride on the Holy Spirit Cloud and met Jesus.
Tell Him About the Party
We only had a few blocks to go. We were tired. It was dark and isolated when we heard the voice.
"Do you know any other national events like this?" a young man in the middle of the street shouted to us. "This has been fun. I want to party more places like this. I'm even making money. I've been selling water all day."
"There are parties everywhere," I said, walking out to the middle of the street to talk to him. "DC has one on July 4th. We go to a big rock concert called Bonnaroo. It's quite the party. I want to give you a bracelet and tell you about a better party."
Shakeem hitched a ride on the Holy Spirit Cloud and met Jesus. He hugged me tightly and tenderly and thanked me." I never get tired of people giving such heartfelt hugs.
"You can still go to Bonnaroo and help us tell people about Jesus," I invited as I got contact information and walked away.
"Evangelize!" he said in wonder. I was surprised he knew the word."I might really enjoy that." Maybe he will decide to hitch another ride on that Holy Spirit Cloud.
We couldn't make this stuff up. The cloud was going before us. All we had to do was hitch a ride for the ride of our life. ========================================================== Cheryle M. Touchton, the Pocket Full of Quarters Lady, ministers, teaches, and evangelizes through Pocket Full of Change Ministries. She and her dog Shiloh, the Shepherd’s Sheltie, travel the country as evangelists and handing out quarters that represent the free grace of God. Cheryle also leads Gospel Conversation Classes and Gospel Conversation Teams anywhere people gather or party. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to
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