My Heart's Desire
Evangelize Mardi Gras 2017 My Heart's Desire By Cheryle M. Touchton The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady New Orleans, Louisiana 2/27/17
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Psalms 20:4
God gave me the desire of my heart this week. Doug and Cathy Tubbs, my husband, Bob Touchton, and I traveled to New Orleans, Louisiana to Evangelize Mardi Gras 2017. We worked 12 hour days every day. God delighted us.
145 people met Jesus. 44 of those were on the day of this writing. 145 people came to Mardi Gras 2017 to party hardy and left with Jesus and the assurance of eternal life. We'd been so busy on this Monday that I hadn't had time to count how many people met Jesus today until we arrived back at the seminary tonight. Thank you God for surprising and delighting me with 44 new Christians today.
I visited a zoo, river, and lake - my happiest places. We also visited a museum. Thank you God for adding those delights.
Our Gospel Team of four worked in lock step with the Holy Spirit, each other, and our Gospel Framework. The team let me lead and each played their unique role. I think I'm going to call the Tubbs and the Touchtons the T n T Gospel Team. There was no conflict or competition. I seriously mean none, even over restaurant choices! We didn't give the enemy even a toehold. We cheered equally for each salvation regardless of who spoke the Gospel words. When one person needed something, another appeared out of nowhere. We had each other's backs. We clapped and celebrated with new Christians immediately. I was with the love of my life and 2 close friends. Thank you God for surrounding me with people who love God and people.
My food was delicious and healthy. I didn't even mind that everyone else enjoyed delicious looking deserts and rich New Orleans cuisine. Thank you God for protecting me from an attack of a stronghold you removed years ago.
We averaged 5 miles a day of walking. My energy and body held up perfectly. Thank you God for my health.
We fellowshipped with many other ministry teams who were also leading people to Jesus. Each ministry I'd meet on the streets I'd ask, "Are you leading people to Jesus?" I'd hold my breath for an answer. We were in the middle of a ripe harvest and needed every Christian being fruitful. A few said no but many said yes. I couldn't help myself. I'd throw my arms around them and say, "I love you!" I met one of my evangelism heroes. My favorite was watching young ministry students giving the Gospel and praying with people. Please God let them remember to give the Gospel when they go into full time ministry. Thank you God for introducing me to so many who give a Good News Gospel and reap the harvest.
The logistics were easy. We found our way around with minimal traffic. We found parking places. We arrived at restaurants, rest rooms, and activities just in time for short lines and good seats. Our sleeping accommodations were reasonably priced and comfortable. Thank you God for being the God of logistics.
We went to two amazing worship services. We love worshipping on Sundays at The Vieux at 711 Dauphine Street. They open their church to us all week for respite and fellowship. Hearing their stories of changed lives as a result of their inner city work and seeing Pastor Tom's tender and true heart of love for God and people blessed my soul. We look forward all year to worshipping with over 1,000 Christians in Jackson Square. Our small Mardi Gras Gospel Team worshipped together each morning and evening. Thank you God for the privilege of worshipping you.
We lost count of how many times we were embraced and thanked by new Christians. We had people laugh, cheer, and cry with us. Numerous times Christians, non Christians, and strangers who overheard us offered praise for our loving approach to giving the Gospel. Seeing the Holy Spirit Glow appear on someone's face is a fresh joy each time it happens. Thank you God for loving us and allowing us the privilege of sharing your love with the world.
Our team spent the last five days delighting in the Lord. There is no other word for it. We delighted in his presence, favor, love, peace, fruits, life, singing over us, and special custom made delights. In return, He gave us the desires of our hearts and made our plans succeed. Thank you God for keeping your promises.
========================================================== Cheryle M. Touchton, the Pocket Full of Quarters Lady, ministers, teaches, and evangelizes through Pocket Full of Change Ministries. She and her dog Shiloh, the Shepherd’s Sheltie, travel the country as evangelists and handing out quarters that represent the free grace of God. Cheryle also leads Gospel Conversation Classes and Gospel Conversation Teams anywhere people gather or party. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to
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