Prayer Request: Seek and You Will Find
Prayer Request: Seek and You Shall Find
I met several people this week. I haven't been able to stop thinking and praying about them.
Please join me in praying for these people.
Teresa Teresa is about to be married for the second time. She has stopped going to church and has lost her way spiritually. She has no good male role models to show her what a good husband looks like. She has no good female role models for picking a good mate.
She is marrying quickly after her divorce. She is very excited about this marriage and is a precious individual.
As I talked with her, I didn't get a good feeling about her future. I encouraged her to seek the God she was introduced to as a child. She has a grandmother praying for her. Join this faithful grandmother in praying that Teresa will seek the face of God.
Justin Justin is a bright young man. He checked me in at a hotel. He is a student and very pleasant. He loves sports.
He has never been to church and doesn't even know what he is missing in a relationship with God.
Pray that Justin will listen to the Holy Spirit calling his name. Pray that he will seek to find out what God is all about.
The Bar Tender If you want to eat in small towns in Montana, you go to a places that are a combination bar, casino, and restaurant.
It was 9:00 PM and I was too hungry to find a place to fire up my grill. I went to the restaurant the hotel recommended.
There I met "the bar tender." She was also the cook and the waitress. She has been married a year. Before that she traveled to exotic places tending bar. She is friendly and sweet. She returned to her hometown to marry her childhood sweetheart.
The marriage is not going well. She says that if it doesn't get better, she will divorce him. She may start traveling again.
She grew up in a Lutheran church and says she believes in a Higher Power. She has no relationship with that Higher Power. She is unsure about Christianity.
Her husband grew up Jehovah's Witness but isn't active. She has no interest in that church and he won't go anywhere.
She agreed that the only answer to her difficulties is spiritual. Pray that she will "seek to find."
Jennifer Jennifer grew up in church. She is a young college student. She heard I was traveling alone and said she couldn't do it. She said she would go crazy without anyone to talk to. I told her that I had God.
She used to talk to God. She didn't hear Him talk back. She has stopped talking to Him.
She works Sunday's and doesn't go to church. I promised her that if she were faithful and talked to God, she would learn how to hear Him. She said I sounded like her mother.
I told her that her mother had prayed and that was why this conversation was happening. I begged her to start talking to God again.
Pray that God will send person after person to give her the same message. Pray that she will find what she seeks.
Ernie Ernie is elderly and feeble. He has separated from his wife of 53 years and doesn't feel as if anyone cares about him.
I met him at a rest stop when he fell twice. I helped him to his car the first time he fell and when I came back, he had fallen again.
He is a tiny thing and I carried him to his car. He could not drive and couldn't even get straight in the seat. He wouldn't accept food or water from me.
I think he had stopped to try to walk his dog. His dog had an accident in his car.
Someone called rescue while I took care of Ernie. Ernie said he had heart medicine but when I looked in his bag, the bottle was empty.
The police and rescue came and Ernie refused to go anywhere with them. Neither the police nor rescue was trained to give medical attention. This area uses volunteers for rescue.
The police and rescue tried their best to convince him to let them help but Ernie refused. Ernie was embarrassed by all the attention and just wanted to be left alone.
Ernie didn't know the telephone number of his son. He gave me his son's name and the city where he lives but the number was unlisted. The police said they had no way to get that number.
Ernie said he just needed to sleep. Ernie wouldn't tell me how to get in touch with his wife.
The police and rescue finally left. Ernie had a valid drivers license, had broken no laws, and there was nothing they could do. They are not allowed to force someone to get medical attention. They all agreed that he was a driving hazard but still could do nothing.
I cleaned up his car after the dog. I sat there an hour watching him. He seemed a little better after sleeping but wasn't ready to leave. I didn't know what else to do but leave. I begged him one more time to let us take him somewhere but he refused.
Pray for this lonely and sick man. Pray for others that are driving on the road with him driving a car. Pray that he will seek and find medical attention.