Upcoming Events  
Pocket Full of Change Announces:

Upcoming Events

Below is a list of activities, Bible Studies, retreats, and events that I am leading, speaking at, or writing for.

I would like to invite you to participate. I also ask for your prayers.

Beth Moore Bible Study

Title: Beloved Disciple
When: Every Thursday for ten weeks, beginning Thursday, February 6, 2003
Time: 9:30-11:00 AM
Where: Southside Baptist Church, (www.ssbc.org)
1435 Atlantic Blvd.
Description: A 10 Week Study that looks at the life and ministry of John

1st Corinthians Bible Study

Title: Helping Your Church Stay On Course
When: February 23-26, 2003
Time: Sunday Morning 11:00-12:00
Sunday-Wednesday Evening: 6:30-8:00
Where: Hart Haven Baptist Church
47 Jim Wright Road
Jacksonville Florida
Description: A Bible Study of 1st Corinthians. Authored by Dr. Bob Reccord, President of the North American Mission Board. This Bible Study was written for the January Bible Study 2003, for the Southern Baptist Convention.

Southside Baptist Church Adult Retreat

Title: Following Jesus
When: March 14-15, 2003
Where: Epworth By the Sea
Information: http://www.ssbc.org/blockcalendar.html

Column – SeekYe.Net Ministries

Title: Tips for Ministers
When: Monthly
URL: www.seekye.net
Description: Seek.Ye.net is dedicated to providing Christians access to events in their community. The column, Tips for Ministers, gives tips for issues that ministers struggle with.

For more information on these events or Pocket Full of Change contact:
Cheryle M. Touchton (Cheryle@pocketfullofquarters.com)
Pocket Full of Change (www.pocketfullofchange.com)
POB 51205-1205
Jacksonville, Florida 32240-1205


Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to www.pocketfullofchange.org or call Cheryle Touchton at 904-614-3585.

This ministry exists because people like you are called to help fund the work of the kingdom. To help keep "The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady" on the road leading people to Christ, you can Donate Here

Copyright: Pocket Full of Change Ministries