The Six-Week Wisdom Challange
The Six-Week Wisdom Challenge
Are you seeking wisdom in your life? Does God’s Word have little or no place or power in your life? Are you bored, confused, frustrated, complacent, lazy, or any other negative adjectives with applying God’s Word to your life?
Take the Six-Week Wisdom Challenge! In less than 15 minutes a day, you could discover secrets that will change your life. There are no requirements for taking this challenge. It is for Christians, non-Christians, and even those with no belief in God.
1. Begin Today: Write down today’s date
2. List: Write down your needs. List the areas where you are seeking wisdom.
3. Ask: Daily, ask the God of your understanding (Or lack of understanding) for wisdom.
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:5-6
3. Do: Read one chapter a day of the following books. There are 42 chapters. Alternate daily between the New and Old Testament but read them all! • Proverbs • James • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John
4. Listen: Daily, ask the God of your understanding to interpret what you read and show you how it applies to you. Ask for the knowledge of His will and the power to carry it out.
5. Act: Go through your day trusting your instincts. Take the actions that seem right (unless you know they conflict directly with God’s Word.) At first, you may make mistakes but you will get better every day! Be brave!
6. Receive: At the end of six weeks, go back to your list. Take a deep breath and be prepared to be amazed. Those who love your teachings will find true peace and nothing will defeat them! Psalms 119:165
This Six-Week Wisdom Challenge Comes With Warnings! • At first you will be distracted • At first you might be bored • At first, everything and everyone will try to get in the way • You will be tempted to give it up • You may have begun a habit that will last a lifetime. It takes 3 weeks to break a habit and 3 weeks to begin a new habit • You could find a new joy, peace, happiness that is incomparable!