Did You Know...
Western Trivia Did You Know…
That the steer horns on the wall of western Saloons meant that that a full service menu was available? Most Saloons just served snacks but some served full meals.
That a tiger on the wall in a Saloon meant that the game faro was available? Faro was a card game played in Saloons and Casinos in the 18th and 19th centuries. It lost popularity in modern day Casinos because the player’s odds are just a little less than even.
That pictures of girls on the wall in a Saloon meant they had “girls” available.
That while Matt Dillon and Miss Kitty from the television show Gun Smoke were fictional characters, the show was patterned after real people and real places? Dodge City, known as the wickedest city in the west, is a real city in Kansas. The Long Branch was indeed a Saloon in Dodge City and the writers based the character Matt Dillon on a combination of famous Dodge City sheriffs like Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson.
That “Fallen Doves” of the 1800’s were not like their modern day counter parts that usually spend their useful life in the profession and die early of disease or addiction? Most “Fallen Doves” of the 1800’s married after a year or two and had a normal family life.
That while both Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson lived a rough life as lawmen of the toughest towns, gamblers, gunslingers, and cattlemen, they both died of natural causes well into their senior years.
That at age 17, Wyatt Earp served as a policeman for Wichita, Kansas? His main job was sweeping sidewalks.
That cemeteries are named “Boot Hill” because many were buried with their boots on? In Dodge City Boot Hill, sixteen men and 1 woman were buried in shallow graves without a coffin.
That cemeteries were usually on a hill because the water ran down hill and there was less chance that the ground over the shallow graves would wash away.
That cards in the 1800’s had no numbers – only pictures. While gamblers could count, they couldn’t read or recognize numbers.
That while the lawmen helped, the Christian churches that came to Dodge City were credited with changing the city from the wickedest city in the west to a civilized and safe place to live.
Eph 1:22-23 And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. NASU