The Divine Adventures of a Yahweh Sisterhood: Thelma and Louise Ride Again?  
Written by Author and Speaker Barbara Gobbs

The Divine Adventures of a Yahweh Sisterhood: Thelma and Louise Ride Again?

The mind of a man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

When I began to plan my October trip with Cheryle, numerous people told me that when they visualized the two of us driving all over the countryside, they couldn’t help but think of Thelma and Louise.

For those of you who don’t know about Thelma and Louise [a 1991 movie], I shall endeavor to explain briefly before proceeding with our thought for today. Thelma and Louise were two women who lived mundane lives that included mundane men. Pondering over their lot in life, one of the girls came up with the brilliant idea of taking off for a girlfriend-weekend and let the chips fall where they may. This inspired the film’s tagline: “Someone said get a life… so they did.” While getting that life, they managed to get drunk, shoot someone and rob a Texaco station. This made a big hit with the authorities and the chase was on!

Now let me state for the record, Cheryle and I nether got drunk, shot anyone or robbed a gas station, although with the current gas prices, what jury would convict? Why would people compare us to them? Okay, I know this was a tease and we laughed at the comparison. Actually, Thelma and her sidekick did develop a closer relationship during their journey together. So did Cheryle and me, but that’s where the similarity ends.

We were on a mission. We were trying to touch lives in the name of Christ. Getting into trouble with the law was the last thing on our minds. In fact to make sure we stayed on the straight and narrow, we enlisted help from Tom-Tom.

Tom-Tom is Cheryle’s GPS or Global Positioning System. This little baby always knows where you are at and can tell you where to go, if you program it nicely. At first, I wasn’t sure why Cheryle would need such a device. I mean, she traveled with numerous maps and kept in touch with her husband several times throughout the day. He provided her with directorial assistance as well. However, after riding with her for 6 days, I know exactly why she has Tom-Tom. Believe me Cheryle needs her Tom-Tom.

I also started out not trusting Tom-Tom either. Why bother the small black box when I was perfectly capable of reading a map? Yet, each time I had a doubt, Tom-Tom came through, at least until the last day.

Now Tom-Tom talks and appears to be a she despite the boyish name. Tom-Tom would say things like, “Turn left – 800 feet.” Sometimes, she’d instruct us to do a U-turn. Once I had her figured out, my apprehension eased a bit. However, day number 6 was just around the corner.

We were only a few hours away from home. Cheryle was driving me through Arizona’s Petrified Forest and it was a beautiful drive. At this point in my story, I need to digress a bit. Perhaps this would be a good moment to remind everyone how Thelma and Louise ended. Wide-eyed and rebellious, these two unlikely outlaws were running from the cops. Knowing that they were in too much hot water to talk their way out, they led their pursuers on a merry chase and concluded the story by driving straight off the edge of a Southwestern mountain cliff.

I bring this up only because we nearly had such a moment. Apparently, when we decided to take a jaunt through a historic park, we confused Tom-Tom. At one point, where we were snaking up the side of mountainous terrain, Tom-Tom suddenly piped up with, “Turn right, now!” We peer through the window to find no right turn, only a straight shot down – without the benefit of even a guardrail!

If we had listened to the voice from within the box, we would have ended up exactly like Thelma and Louise, driving head first off the side of a mountain. When we realized that, we busted out laughing and then we couldn’t stop thinking about Thelma and Louise.

The moral of this story, you ask. Well, it goes like this. Every believer is equipped with a GPS, or God’s Positioning System. We usually refer to Him as the Holy Spirit. He directs us each day on where to go and what to say. The Holy Spirit is alive and desires to teach us and so we would bring honor to the Father and The Son. We can only do that if we pay attention to Him. For the record, I doubt He would never send us off a cliff!

In fact, He is God’s Perfect System for ensuring our safety and molding us into a GPS of another kind, God’s Personal Servant. In this life, God has provided many tools to help us monitor our direction. We have Mapquest, On Star, Rand-McNally and finally the Tom-Tom. But the Holy Spirit is the only infallible system for the one who truly seeks to walk in the direction of the Father. So if you’ve lost your sense of direction, call to the Spirit and let Him set your feet back on the narrow path that leads to God!

Less directionally challenged than before,


Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to or call Cheryle Touchton at 904-614-3585.

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