GailFriends - Pelican Prayers
GailFriends - Pelican Prayers By Gail Golden Publicist and Ministry Partner - Pocket Full of Change Ministries
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God..” (Philippians 4:6)
Sitting by the river near the boat yard, I enjoyed watching the pelicans diving for fish near the surface. Once stuffed with dinner, they sat on the top of the water, sunning themselves. Grabbing my sketch book, I quickly started drawing them. I was having no luck, though, because they wouldn’t be still. Each time, they flew away before I could finish my sketch.
Lord, please help me with this, I prayed. Immediately I thought what a silly prayer that was. Father, I know you have better things to do than help me make pelicans be still.
Deciding to drive to a different spot on the river, I took off in my car. As I drove along the river, I noticed several people hurrying toward the river bank, with binoculars and cameras in hand. I pulled over and got out to see hundreds of pelicans sitting placidly in the water as if posing for a picture. I laughed with joy as I sketched the flock my Father had gathered just for me.
When I’d finished my sketching, the pelicans began to beat their wings against the water. The sounds of hundreds of pelicans beating their wings was almost deafening. I listened in awe and then received their message. I applauded along with them, thanking the Lord for hearing my prayer.
Gail is a ministry partner with and Publicist for Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information, to schedule a speaker for an event, or to request a newsletter, go to or call Gail Golden, Publicist at 904 316-5462. This ministry is supported by donations. If this ministry helps you or others, and God calls you to help support this work, you can make a donation to Pocket Full of Change Ministry at POB 51205, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240.
© Pocket Full of Change Ministries