The Devotional Diva - Reclaiming Monday  

The Devotional Diva - Reclaiming Monday

By Barbara Gobbs
Executive Assistant and Ministry Partner - Pocket Full of Change Ministries

"And [if] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will healthier land." II Chronicles 7:14 (NAS95)

Once again, it's Monday. Just once, I wish we could start the week on Tuesday, because Monday has such a bad rep. Monday, our first "work" day of the week, is generally hated by men and women alike. Bad stuff likes to happen on Monday.

"What stuff?" you may ask. Well, it's the kind of stuff that usually starts with not wanting to get up because the weekend was too short. Then we have the stuff that always goes wrong and we chalk it up to Monday. Since everything goes wrong on Monday, we seldom get all our work accomplished. Naturally, we can blame it on Monday.

Today is Monday and it's already painful. Why? It must be due to my sore feet. Okay, that sounds lame. It certainly isn't spiritual! But this morning my toes hurt. Only the culprit isn't Monday, it's Sunday!

I will not digress into last week. Suffice it to say, it was out of control. Perhaps I was out of control. Either way, everyday was a Monday for me. My multi-tasking skills were pushed to the limit. I experienced failure more than success. There was no time for quiet time. Then came Sunday.

I arrived for Sunday morning Bible study eagerly seeking to be refreshed. Miss Kay, our blessing from heaven teacher, started the lesson by reminding me, and everyone else, of a talk I gave in February. It was something about regaining our balance. Ouch! There is nothing quite as humbling as being convicted by your own words!

What would those women have thought of me if they knew exactly how badly I failed at balance the week before? Shhhh! I guess it will be our secret.

Afterwards, I headed for worship and just in time too! My big toe was aching and I knew it wasn't because I dropped furniture on it a few weeks ago. I was ready for a change of subject. Perhaps Pastor Ronnie would present something less exposing. "If wishes were horse beggars would ride," my mom always said.

Brother Ronnie directed us to II Chronicles 7:14, a very familiar passage to me. I thought this would be a typical upcoming July 4 message. You'd think I would have learned by now, God often supplies the untypical in life.

As our pastor read and presented a very simple outline, my other toes started hurting even more. Enough already! I get it, I get it! Bob will have to carry me out of here because I can't walk! Funny, what it takes for God to get us where He wants us: immovable, less on our feet and more on our knees. As I received them, I give you four points for contemplation.

Humble themselves. While this is excellent for a nation, it carries no power unless we first practice it as individuals. I could sound a bit alike Paul and tell you how many years I have served the Lord, the leadership positions I've had and books I've written. Yet, I am nothing. I am no one without Christ. I would be wise to remember that daily.

Pray. Nothing says "out of balance" more than lack of prayer. I have experienced the most wonderful, incredible blessing of prayer and yet some days, I still miss the mark. You know, I have a little purple pill I must take daily due to a thyroid disorder. If I miss one day, generally nothing much happens, but if I miss more than that, I could easily wind up back in the hospital with my body chemistry totally out of whack. Kind of, like last week!

Seek His Face. There is one thing that Pastor Ronnie did Sunday that I, in particular, appreciated. He read II Chronicle 7:15 as well. Far too often, we leave out this verse. It paints a brilliant portrait of the eagerness of God to hear from us and spend time with us. God anxiously awaits us to seek Him with our whole hearts! A word of caution: if we stop seeking, we will certainly stop finding.

Turn from our wicked ways. Nothing could be clearer. Yet, I want to take this one-step farther. We might be quick to think there is nothing wicked in us since we don't commit adultery, rob banks or murder unsuspecting persons in their sleep. However, isn't pride, lack of prayer and refusing to seek out the One who loves us most – wicked? I'll stop there.

Right now, I want to thank my Bible Study teacher, Kay Kicklighter and my pastor, Ronnie McKenzie for allowing God to use them in my life as well as the lives of others. Perhaps you have someone like that in your life as well. If you have a Bible study teacher and/or a pastor who speaks the truth even when it steps on your toes, thank them, love them and pray for them diligently.

Remember, Mondays can be described as a day to lose ground, or a day to reclaim it – in Christ Jesus! If His people who are called by His name will. . . .

Reclaiming my Monday for my King!

Barbara Gobbs is a ministry partner with and the Executive Assistant of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information, to schedule a speaker for an event, or to request a newsletter, go to or call Gail Golden, Publicist at 904 316-5462. This ministry is supported by donations. If this ministry helps you or others, and God calls you to help support this work, you can make a donation to Pocket Full of Change Ministry at POB 51205, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240.

© Pocket Full of Change Ministries


Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to or call Cheryle Touchton at 904-614-3585.

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Copyright: Pocket Full of Change Ministries