GailFriends - Duct Tape  

GailFriends - Duct Tape

By Gail Golden
Publicist and Ministry Partner - Pocket Full of Change Ministries

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV

What in the world do duct tape and this scripture have in common? Duct tape can fix just about everything. I saw a TV show about all the different ways people have used it to repair things. Duct tape was used to repair leaky pipes, car parts, even tennis shoes! I thought it hilarious and could not imagine people doing such a thing until saw “the car”.

The car was a pitiful sight to behold. The car had obviously been in a wreck and its’ owner had repaired it with duct tape. The black tape was wrapped all around the hood and each of the fenders. Two of the windows and the back windshield were covered with it. When I saw this, I was awestruck…because God spoke to me through that funny, but sad looking car.

While driving, I had prayed a simple prayer for help with a problem: Lord, why am I so stubborn? Please help me to change.

I have been stubborn all my life. As a matter of fact, I’ve been fond of saying, “I come from a long line of hard-headed people”. Stubbornness can be an asset. For instance, it helped me in sales. I didn’t take no as an answer. I saw it as a request for more information, and pressed on until I got to “yes”. Also, I am not easily swayed by others’ opinions. I check the facts. If I don’t agree with someone, I’m like a bulldog. I won’t let go. I am a “find-a-way”, “make-a-way” kind of woman. I will go over, under, around, or through to accomplish a goal. Combine my stubbornness with a choleric personality, and you have an indomitable force. I am woman – hear me roar!!! Admittedly, my tenaciousness has helped me survive some difficult circumstances in my life. But when it is applied in personal relationships, it can cause great damage. A steam roller comes to mind! That day as I drove, I asked God: Why do I do this? Why do I think I always know what’s best, not only for myself, but for others?

When I saw the duct taped car, I had my answer. The owner thought duct tape was the best way to repair his car. He probably didn’t have enough money to take it to a body shop. Duct tape works, but it looks awful. It is obvious to everyone who sees it that it’s not the best way to repair a car. It might work for a while, but eventually it will have to be repaired the right way.

God gently showed me that duct tape was a metaphor for “pride”…thinking my way was the best way. Humbly, I asked God to change me, because I knew the old way (duct tape) was not going to work for the long haul. He began to show me a new way of living. Of turning to Him and His wisdom instead of my own ways (think duct tape).

For most of my life, I had been a Christian and had attended church. But I lived my life by the principles I liked…and I left the rest. My life suffered because of it. Most people wouldn’t think so, because I was in church. I tithed. I taught classes. I witnessed. But I allowed many sins to go on in my life. I compared myself to those around me, and in my mind, I was on the top level.

When I began to diligently study the Scriptures, I saw something quite different.

In Proverbs, there are many verses contrasting the wise man and the fool. It saddens me to say that most of my life, I was foolish. Not until I studied the Old Testament, did I see how particular God is. How detailed. How much He left us to follow. How loving of Him to preserve such an “owner’s manual” for life here on Earth.

By seeking His face through the scriptures I saw that His ways were not my ways. His thoughts were not my thoughts. I saw a loving God, but I also saw a Holy God. I began to apply His Word to my life by obeying what the Scriptures said. Things changed. Relationships began to heal. Finances got better. Best of all, my relationship with God became sweeter. My time with Him grew more precious. I began to really love God and to feel His love for me.

Sadly, my pride was like duct tape - a poor patch job. I am so thankful that God brought healing when I let go of my pride. When I sought His face through His scriptures, and began to obey what they said, my life changed.

Gail is a ministry partner with and Publicist for Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information, to schedule a speaker for an event, or to request a newsletter, go to or call Gail Golden, Publicist at 904 316-5462. This ministry is supported by donations. If this ministry helps you or others, and God calls you to help support this work, you can make a donation to Pocket Full of Change Ministry at POB 51205, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240.

© Pocket Full of Change Ministries


Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to or call Cheryle Touchton at 904-614-3585.

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