The Devotional Diva - Are You Finished, Are You Ready?  

The Devotional Diva - Are You Finished, Are You Ready?

By Barbara Gobbs
Executive Assistant and Ministry Partner - Pocket Full of Change Ministries

“Therefore when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.” John 19:30(NAS95)

I’d like to tell you about my maternal grandmother. Her name was Granny. Actually, it was Johnnie Adeline Lewis, but . . . everyone called her granny. She married at 15 and was the mother of 10 children: eight boys and two girls. I believe she had triple that in grandchildren. Double the number of grandchildren and you’ll be close to the number of great grandchildren. The great-great’s are still coming so I lose count on that one.

She never voted or even drove a car until after the death of her husband in 1979. She never remarried. In the last several years, she suffered from Alzheimer’s and a few weeks ago, at the age of 91, we laid her body to rest after her soul went home to Christ.

Now Granny lived a long and fruitful life. She was certain of her salvation. I know this because she told me years ago. Like most of us, I suspect she’d change a few things these last few years if she had the power. Things like remembering names and dates. She’d want to be at home taking care of everyone else, not everyone taking care of her. She’d want to go to church every Sunday with vigor. She’d like to get on her hands and knees to play with the plethora of great and great-great grandchildren she loved so dearly.

Perhaps, in those respects, Granny wasn’t ready to die. Nevertheless, I believe even in the midst of her affliction, she knew she was finished. Not finished as in cut off before her time but finished as in her work on earth was done.

The day after Granny’s funeral, Lizetta – a precious aunt of mine (and Granny’s daughter-in-law) received word that her sister had passed away. Cancer took Laverne Sloan to glory much too early in life. Was she ready to leave? I doubt it. She had a family, a home and a church she served. Is anyone ever ready to leave behind those things?

However, my sweet aunt told me that Laverne declared her acceptance in whatever God determined. Her belief was firm and resolute. She continued to remain positive, encouraging others to do the same. When she left this earth for heaven, she might not have been ready but she knew she was finished. Her work was complete – even if it didn’t appear that way to others.

When Jesus declared, “It is finished” many people just thought He was finished! They taught Him a lesson – they nailed Him to cross and now the Jesus game was over. Little did they realize His death was only the beginning.

To the disciples, it didn’t appear that way at first, but they caught on in due time. (Read Acts 2) When they did catch on, literally, the work began and each one worked diligently until their times and tasks were finished according to the sovereign will of God.

So what how does this speak to you and to me? If someone asked me if I were ready to die today, I say no. Come on, be honest you would too! Yes – I love the Lord. Yes – I know I’ll be in heaven. So why wouldn’t I be ready to go?

Well, I imagine Jesus isn’t finished with me yet! There are still things He needs to accomplish in me and in you too! Then when our time is up, it will be finished, even if it doesn’t appear that way to those around us.

I leave you with this challenge – what things do you need to finish? What has God started in you? What does He want to start in you? I leave me with the same challenge.

May you and the Holy Spirit have a blessed day as you ponder these thoughts together.

I’m not finished – yet!

Barbara Gobbs is a ministry partner with and the Executive Assistant of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information, to schedule a speaker for an event, or to request a newsletter, go to or call Gail Golden, Publicist at 904 316-5462. This ministry is supported by donations. If this ministry helps you or others, and God calls you to help support this work, you can make a donation to Pocket Full of Change Ministry at POB 51205, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240.

© Pocket Full of Change Ministries


Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to or call Cheryle Touchton at 904-614-3585.

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